Saturday, June 21, 2008

HK Revisited

Masa, Maxon, Brian, Steve


So the HK fixed-gear scene is picking up steam.
According to Brian Fu, owner of Rodafixa, they have a group of about 30 riders.
And have about 10 fixers riding together at most group rides.

HK roads look treacherous to ride.
Many taxis
Many mini buses
Many big buses
Many tram tracks
Many trams
Many pedestrians
Many red lights.

Masa had a bad fall recently.
Front wheel got caught in the tram tracks.
Something we don't have to look out for here.
Sent him and his bike flying.

Mini buses skirt around picking up and dropping fares.
Apparently they have a speeding issue.
So much so, that there's a speedo display for the passengers.
To facilitate complaints.


very masa said...

good to catch up man!
nice pics... come back anytime...

Amanda said...

I want that VERY CHAMPION sticker, Soh Justus.


Cos I'm very champion, no?

You know where I live, thanks!